Results for 'Patricia A. Reeder'

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  1.  22
    Chapter 8. foundations without foundationalism.John P. Reeder Jr - 1992 - In Gene Outka & John P. Reeder, Prospects for a Common Morality. Princeton University Press. pp. 191-214.
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    Introduction.John P. Reeder Jr & Gene Outka - 1992 - In Gene Outka & John P. Reeder, Prospects for a Common Morality. Princeton University Press. pp. 1-28.
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    Zeno’s arrow and the infinitesimal calculus.Patrick Reeder - 2015 - Synthese 192 (5):1315-1335.
    I offer a novel solution to Zeno’s paradox of The Arrow by introducing nilpotent infinitesimal lengths of time. Nilpotents are nonzero numbers that yield zero when multiplied by themselves a certain number of times. Zeno’s Arrow goes like this: during the present, a flying arrow is moving in virtue of its being in flight. However, if the present is a single point in time, then the arrow is frozen in place during that time. Therefore, the arrow is both moving and (...)
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    (1 other version)Killing and Saving: Abortion, Hunger, and War.John P. Reeder - 1996 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Contrary to the views of Alasdair MacIntyre and others who assert that modern Western morality is in disarray, torn by incommensurable moral views, John Reeder believes that there is much agreement about taking and saving lives. Many people might, in fact, agree on the various circumstances in which the death of a person constitutes a violation of the right to life, or that people have a right to our help, especially a right to life-saving aid. In_ Killing and Saving_, (...)
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    Extensive Benevolence.John P. Reeder - 1998 - Journal of Religious Ethics 26 (1):47-70.
    In order to sketch an account of a moral commitment to persons as such, the essay examines empathy, sympathy, and benevolence as they arise first in special relations and then are reconstructed to include the stranger under the rubric of "extensive benevolence" or "universal love." The account, the author argues, must deal with conceptual empowerment and authorizing reasons, weakness and evil, normative conflict, and the relation of benevolence to justice.
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  6. Labyrinth of Continua.Patrick Reeder - 2018 - Philosophia Mathematica 26 (1):1-39.
    This is a survey of the concept of continuity. Efforts to explicate continuity have produced a plurality of philosophical conceptions of continuity that have provably distinct expressions within contemporary mathematics. I claim that there is a divide between the conceptions that treat the whole continuum as prior to its parts, and those conceptions that treat the parts of the continuum as prior to the whole. Along this divide, a tension emerges between those conceptions that favor philosophical idealizations of continuity and (...)
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  7.  14
    Benevolence, Special Relations, and Voluntary Poverty: An Introduction.John P. Reeder - 1998 - Journal of Religious Ethics 26 (1):3-15.
    This cluster of essays by Julia E. Judish, John P. Reeder Jr., Donald K. Swearer, and Lee H. Yearley considers benevolence as a virtue construed in various ways in different traditions. The essays explore: the roots of benevolence or caring, especially towards strangers; the normative issue of the relation between universal love and concern for particular others in special relations; and the question of possessions, in particular the ideal of voluntary poverty. A theme that runs throughout the essays is (...)
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    Commit to win: how to harness the four elements of commitment to reach your goals.Heidi Reeder - 2014 - New York: Hudson Street Press.
    In Commit to Win, Heidi Reeder, PhD, unpacks over forty years of research by psychologists and economists to show that the key to reaching any goal, whether it' to hit the gym more often or to finally quit that dead-end job, isn' motivation, willpower, or determination. It' commitment. Busting the myths most of us believe about commitment, Reeder shows that it all comes down to four variables: treasures, troubles, contributions, and choices. Together, these variables make up a formula (...)
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    Infinitesimal Comparisons: Homomorphisms between Giordano’s Ring and the Hyperreal Field.Patrick Reeder - 2017 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 58 (2):205-214.
    The primary purpose of this paper is to analyze the relationship between the familiar non-Archimedean field of hyperreals from Abraham Robinson’s nonstandard analysis and Paolo Giordano’s ring extension of the real numbers containing nilpotents. There is an interesting nontrivial homomorphism from the limited hyperreals into the Giordano ring, whereas the only nontrivial homomorphism from the Giordano ring to the hyperreals is the standard part function, namely, the function that maps a value to its real part. We interpret this asymmetry to (...)
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    The historical development of school readers and of method in teaching reading.Rudolph Rex Reeder - 1900 - Berlin,: Mayer & Müller.
    Rudolph Rex Reeder's book charts the fascinating evolution of reading education. From primitive techniques to cutting-edge research, this book provides a detailed look at the methods and materials that have shaped the way we teach reading. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United (...)
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    Quick and Easy Recipes for Hypergunk.Patrick Reeder - 2019 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 98 (1):178-191.
    I argue for the possibility of hypergunk: that is, it is possible that there exists an x such that every part of x has a proper part and, for any set S of parts of x, there is a set S′ of parts of...
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  12. Are physical properties dispositions?Nick Reeder - 1995 - Philosophy of Science 62 (1):141-149.
    Averill (1990) argues that not every property is a disposition. I claim here that his reasoning is faulty, suffering at one point from a logical error and at other points from an inadequate account of counterfactuals.
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  13.  28
    On moral sentiments: contemporary responses to Adam Smith.John Reeder (ed.) - 1997 - Bristol, England: Thoemmes Press.
    This unique anthology brings together for the first time the reactions that greeted the publication of Adam Smith's major philosophical work, The Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759). Spanning over a hundred years of critical responses, the collection includes three different sections: the initial reply from Smith's friends David Hume, Edmund Burke and William Robertson the more considered opinions put forward by Smith's contemporaries, fellow Scots philosophers such as Lord Kames, Thomas Reid, Adam Ferguson or Dugald Stewart and, finally, the later (...)
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  14.  16
    Processing and termination of RNA polymerase I transcripts.Ronald H. Reeder, Paul Labhart & Brian McStay - 1987 - Bioessays 6 (3):108-112.
    Electron micrographs of active ribosomal genes from many species show a similar picture in which gene regions covered with nascent transcripts alternate with apparently non‐transcribed spacers. Since the gradients of visible nascent transcripts stop near the 3′ end of the 28S sequence it has often been assumed that transcription by RNA polymerase I also terminates at that point. Recent biochemical studies have shown however, that transcription continues far beyond the 3′ end of the 28S and in some species continues across (...)
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    The Condensation of the Secret: Dream Analysis and the Literary Fragment.Jake Reeder - 2022 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 36 (2):162-171.
    ABSTRACT In this article I read Freud’s theory of dream condensation alongside Blanchot and Derrida’s analysis of the literary fragment. Both these thinkers describe how an imperturbable secret provides an excess that calls out for a response. I thus analyze the structure of dream interpretation as one where the latent dream thoughts respond to a call imbedded in the condensed dream-content. Through a deconstructive reading of Freud and a quote by Nietzsche, I argue that the structure of this call is (...)
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  16.  21
    Three Moral Traditions.John P. Reeder - 1994 - Journal of Religious Ethics 22 (1):75-92.
    Three traditions--liberal individualism, neo-Aristotelianism , and an ethics of caring or love--occupy center stage in current normative ethics, emerging prominently, for example, in the liberalism versus communitarianism debate. Each of these can arguably be revised to accommodate insights from the others. Moreover, we can view moral traditions generally, or at least many traditions, as combinations of factors interpreted and related in various historical contexts. Finally, while the traditions as typologized here each attempt to identify a single source for morality, treating (...)
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  17.  31
    Terrorism, Secularism, and the Deaths of Innocents.John P. Reeder - 2011 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 21 (2):70-94.
    The “moral equivalence” objector—appealing only to certain moral considerations, e.g., wellbeing and consent—argues that no inherent moral significanceattaches to the distinction between intended means and foreseen side-effects: If an act of direct killing is wrong, then a morally comparable act of indirect killingis wrong as well; if an act of indirect killing is right, then so is a morally comparable act of direct killing. One secular version of double effect is vulnerable to the objection unless it can provide a principle (...)
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    The Statue of Augustus from Prima Porta, the Underground Complex, and the Omen of the Gallina Alba.Jane Clark Reeder - 1997 - American Journal of Philology 118 (1):89-118.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Statue of Augustus from Prima Porta, the Underground Complex, and the Omen of the Gallina AlbaJane Clark ReederThe new excavations of the villa of Livia at Prima Porta have focused attention on the architecture and art of this imperial villa. The statue of Augustus from Prima Porta and the garden paintings from the underground complex have long been the most famous exemplars of their types. Recently new studies (...)
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  19.  17
    The Theory and Practice of Husserl's Phenomenology.Harry P. Reeder - 2010 - Zeta Books.
    The second edition of The Theory and Practice of Husserl's Phenomenology is a clear and concise introduction to the theoretical background and the rigorous method of Edmund Husserl , perhaps the most influential philosopher of the twentieth century and the founder of the phenomenological movement. According to Husserl phenomenology is not a body of knowledge but a scientific practice based in a rigorous and difficult method, a method that takes long effort and practice to enter into and in which to (...)
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    Before the Beginning.Robert W. Reeder - 2012 - Renascence 65 (1):25-37.
    Focusing on a 1628 Lenten sermon, this essay explores Donne’s handling of the complex problem of how we should conceive of time antecedent to the creation. Read in the light of Donne’s remarks elsewhere, and of those by St. Augustine, this sermon shows him considering pre-time time as an argument for the importance of vocation. Contemplation of the mystery of God’s activity before the creation yields a powerful idea of one’s life and calling as the surpassingly meaningful culmination of a (...)
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  21. Parts of singletons.Ben Caplan, Chris Tillman & Pat Reeder - 2010 - Journal of Philosophy 107 (10):501-533.
    In Parts of Classes and "Mathematics is Megethology" David Lewis shows how the ideology of set membership can be dispensed with in favor of parthood and plural quantification. Lewis's theory has it that singletons are mereologically simple and leaves the relationship between a thing and its singleton unexplained. We show how, by exploiting Kit Fine's mereology, we can resolve Lewis's mysteries about the singleton relation and vindicate the claim that a thing is a part of its singleton.
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  22. Patricia Werhane’s Response to the Works on Her Contributions to Business Ethics and Beyond.Patricia Werhane - 2018 - In Andrew Wicks, Sergiy Dmytriyev & R. Freeman, The Moral Imagination of Patricia Werhane: A Festschrift. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Lenguaje y Sentido –En la Construcción de Lo Público En Arendt.Germán Vargas Guillén & Harry P. Reeder - 2011 - Praxis Filosófica 26:151-167.
    El sentido como cabe o entre en el orden de lo público, en laCondición humana de Hannah Arendt, es de suyo esclarecedorde las posibilidades del lenguaje; y, de retorno, el lenguaje comofundamento para la comprensión de lo político (público); en estosdos lados se presenta como una dialéctica del fluir de la acción–que quizá por igual puede llamarse: la experiencia humana delmundo. Interesa, igualmente, ver la distinción entre el fluir –en elmodo del río heraclíteo– del sentido y la emergencia –en el (...)
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  24. (1 other version)Making Room for Options: Moral Reasons, Imperfect Duties, and Choice: Patricia Greenspan.Patricia Greenspan - 2010 - Social Philosophy and Policy 27 (2):181–205.
    An imperfect duty such as the duty to aid those in need is supposed to leave leeway for choice as to how to satisfy it, but if our reason for a certain way of satisfying it is our strongest, that leeway would seem to be eliminated. This paper defends a conception of practical reasons designed to preserve it, without slighting the binding force of moral requirements, though it allows us to discount certain moral reasons. Only reasons that offer criticism of (...)
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    What kind of person could be a torturer?John P. Reeder Jr - 2010 - Journal of Religious Ethics 38 (1):67-92.
    What kind of persons could engage in political torture? Not only the morally impaired who lack empathy or compassion, or even the merely obedient, but also the righteous who struggle with conscience, and the realists who set morality aside.
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  26. Interpreting the Infinitesimal Mathematics of Leibniz and Euler.Jacques Bair, Piotr Błaszczyk, Robert Ely, Valérie Henry, Vladimir Kanovei, Karin U. Katz, Mikhail G. Katz, Semen S. Kutateladze, Thomas McGaffey, Patrick Reeder, David M. Schaps, David Sherry & Steven Shnider - 2017 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 48 (2):195-238.
    We apply Benacerraf’s distinction between mathematical ontology and mathematical practice to examine contrasting interpretations of infinitesimal mathematics of the seventeenth and eighteenth century, in the work of Bos, Ferraro, Laugwitz, and others. We detect Weierstrass’s ghost behind some of the received historiography on Euler’s infinitesimal mathematics, as when Ferraro proposes to understand Euler in terms of a Weierstrassian notion of limit and Fraser declares classical analysis to be a “primary point of reference for understanding the eighteenth-century theories.” Meanwhile, scholars like (...)
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  27.  62
    Braintrust: What Neuroscience Tells Us About Morality.Patricia S. Churchland - 2011 - Princeton University Press.
    What is morality? Where does it come from? And why do most of us heed its call most of the time? In Braintrust, neurophilosophy pioneer Patricia Churchland argues that morality originates in the biology of the brain. She describes the "neurobiological platform of bonding" that, modified by evolutionary pressures and cultural values, has led to human styles of moral behavior. The result is a provocative genealogy of morals that asks us to reevaluate the priority given to religion, absolute rules, (...)
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  28. Brain-Wise: Studies in Neurophilosophy.Patricia Smith Churchland - 2002 - MIT Press.
    Progress in the neurosciences is profoundly changing our conception of ourselves. Contrary to time-honored intuition, the mind turns out to be a complex of brain functions. And contrary to the wishful thinking of some philosophers, there is no stemming the revolutionary impact that brain research will have on our understanding of how the mind works. Brain-Wise is the sequel to Patricia Smith Churchland's Neurophilosophy, the book that launched a subfield. In a clear, conversational manner, this book examines old questions (...)
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    Never Say “Never Say ‘Never’”: a Reply to Nicholas Gier.Harry P. Reeder - 1991 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 22 (2):97-98.
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    Systems Thinking and Moral Imagination: Rethinking Business Ethics with Patricia Werhane.Patricia Werhane, Regina Wolfe & David Bevan (eds.) - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This volume brings together a selection of papers written by Patricia Werhane during the most recent quarter century. The book critically explicates the direction and development of Werhane’s thinking based on her erudite and eclectic sampling of orthodox philosophical theories. It starts out with an introductory chapter setting Werhane’s work in the context of the development of Business Ethics theory and practice, along with an illustrative time line. Next, it discusses possible interpretations of the papers that have been divided (...)
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  31. Emotions and Reasons: An Enquiry Into Emotional Justification.Patricia S. Greenspan - 1988 - New York: Routledge.
    In Emotions and Reasons, Patricia Greenspan offers an evaluative theory of emotion that assigns emotion a role of its own in the justification of action. She analyzes emotions as states of object-directed affect with evaluative propositional content possibly falling short of belief and held in mind by generalized comfort or discomfort.
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  32. Kant's Transcendental Psychology.Patricia Kitcher - 1990 - Oup Usa.
    In this innovative study Patricia Kitcher argues that we can only understand the deduction of the categories in Kant's Critique of Pure Reason in terms of his attempt to fathom the psychological prerequisites of thought. Thus a consideration of his conception of psychology is essential to an understanding of his philosophy. Kitcher specifically considers Kant's claims about the unity of the thinking self; the spatial forms of human perceptions; the relations among mental states necessary for them to have content; (...)
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  33. Some group matters: Intersectionality, situated standpoints, and Black feminist thought.Patricia Hill Collins - 2003 - In Tommy Lee Lott & John P. Pittman, A Companion to African-American Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
  34.  34
    The Legacy of Parmenides: Eleatic Monism and Later Presocratic Thought.Patricia Curd - 2004 - Parmenides Publishing.
    Parmenides of Elea was the most important and influential philosopher before Plato. He rejected as impossible the scientific inquiry practiced by the earlier Presocratic philosophers and held that generation, destruction, and change are unreal and that only one thing exists. In this book, Patricia Curd argues that Parmenides sought to reform rather than to reject scientific inquiry, and she offers a more coherent account of his influence on later philosophers._ _The Legacy of Parmenides_ examines Parmenides' arguments, considering his connection (...)
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    Preface.Patricia Williams - 2006 - In Bernard Williams, Philosophy as a Humanistic Discipline. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
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    Pragmatic reasoning schemas.Patricia W. Cheng & Keith J. Holyoak - 1985 - Cognitive Psychology 17 (4):391-416.
    We propose that people typically reason about realistic situations using neither content-free syntactic inference rules nor representations of specific experiences. Rather, people reason using knowledge structures that we term pragmatic reasoning schemas, which are generalized sets of rules defined in relation to classes of goals. Three experiments examined the impact of a “permission schema” on deductive reasoning. Experiment 1 demonstrated that by evoking the permission schema it is possible to facilitate performance in Wason's selection paradigm for subjects who have had (...)
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    (1 other version)Parmenides and After: Unity and Plurality.Patricia Curd - 2009 - A Companion to Ancient Philosophy 31:34.
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    Language, tools and brain: The ontogeny and phylogeny of hierarchically organized sequential behavior.Patricia M. Greenfield - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (4):531-551.
    During the first two years of human life a common neural substrate underlies the hierarchical organization of elements in the development of speech as well as the capacity to combine objects manually, including tool use. Subsequent cortical differentiation, beginning at age two, creates distinct, relatively modularized capacities for linguistic grammar and more complex combination of objects. An evolutionary homologue of the neural substrate for language production and manual action is hypothesized to have provided a foundation for the evolution of language (...)
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  39. Kant's thinker.Patricia Kitcher - 2011 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Overview -- Locke's internal sense and Kant's changing views -- Personal identity amd its problems -- Rationalist metaphysics of mind -- Consciousness, self-consciousness, and cognition -- Strands of Argument in the Duisburg Nachlass -- A transcendental deduction for a priori concepts -- Synthesis : why and how? -- Arguing for apperception -- The power of apperception -- "I-think" as the destroyer of rational psychology -- Is Kant's theory consistent? -- The normativity objection -- Is Kant's thinker (as such) a free (...)
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    Conflicts of Interest and Conflicts of Commitment.Patricia Werhane & Jeffrey Doering - 1995 - Professional Ethics, a Multidisciplinary Journal 4 (3):47-81.
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    Language and the phenomenological reduction: A reply to a Wittgensteinian objection. [REVIEW]Harry P. Reeder - 1979 - Man and World 12 (1):35-46.
  42.  30
    Between War and Politics: International Relations and the Thought of Hannah Arendt.Patricia Owens - 2009 - Oxford University Press.
    In this major new assessment of Hannah Arendt's writings on International Relations Patricia Owens provides a compelling case for Arendt's continued relevance to debates about suicide bombing; genocide; the ethics of war; civilian casualties; and the dangers of lies and hypocrisy in wartime.
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    Philosophy of Sex and Love: An Opinionated Introduction.Patricia Marino - 2019 - New York: Routledge.
    Writing for non-specialists and students as well as for fellow philosophers, this book explores some basic issues surrounding sex and love in today's world, among them consent, objectification, nonmonogamy, racial stereotyping, and the need to reconcile contemporary expectations about gender equality with our beliefs about how love works. Author Patricia Marino argues that we cannot fully understand these issues by focusing only on individual desires and choices. Instead, we need to examine the social contexts within which choices are made (...)
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    Emergence and Reduction in Physics.Patricia Palacios - 2022 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    This Element offers an overview of some of the most important debates in philosophy and physics around the topics of emergence and reduction and proposes a compatibilist view of emergence and reduction. In particular, it suggests that specific notions of emergence, which the author calls 'few-many emergence' and 'coarse-grained emergence', are compatible with 'intertheoretic reduction'. Some further issues that will be addressed concern the comparison between parts-whole emergence and few-many emergence, the emergence of effective theories, the use of infinite limits, (...)
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  45. The hornswoggle problem.Patricia Smith Churchland - 1996 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 3 (5-6):402-8.
    Beginning with Thomas Nagel, various philosophers have propsed setting conscious experience apart from all other problems of the mind as ‘the most difficult problem’. When critically examined, the basis for this proposal reveals itself to be unconvincing and counter-productive. Use of our current ignorance as a premise to determine what we can never discover is one common logical flaw. Use of ‘I-cannot-imagine’ arguments is a related flaw. When not much is known about a domain of phenomena, our inability to imagine (...)
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    Wittgenstein Never was a Phenomenologist.Harry P. Reeder - 1989 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 20 (3):257-276.
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  47. Moral imagination and systems thinking.Patricia H. Werhane - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 38 (1-2):33 - 42.
    Taking the lead from Susan Wolf's and Linda Emanuel's work on systems thinking, and developing ideas from Moberg's, Seabright's and my work on mental models and moral imagination, in this paper I shall argue that what is often missing in management decision-making is a systems approach. Systems thinking requires conceiving of management dilemmas as arising from within a system with interdependent elements, subsystems, and networks of relationships and patterns of interaction. Taking a systems approach and coupling it with moral imagination, (...)
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  48. Defining black feminist thought.Patricia Hill Collins - 1997 - In Linda J. Nicholson, The second wave: a reader in feminist theory. New York: Routledge.
  49. Practical Guilt: Moral dilemmas, Emotions, and Social Norms.Patricia S. Greenspan - 1995 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In its treatment of the role of emotion in ethics the argument of the book outlines a new way of packing motivational force into moral meaning that allows for a ...
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  50. Marr’s Computational Theory of Vision.Patricia Kitcher - 1988 - Philosophy of Science 55 (March):1-24.
    David Marr's theory of vision has been widely cited by philosophers and psychologists. I have three projects in this paper. First, I try to offer a perspicuous characterization of Marr's theory. Next, I consider the implications of Marr's work for some currently popular philosophies of psychology, specifically, the "hegemony of neurophysiology view", the theories of Jerry Fodor, Daniel Dennett, and Stephen Stich, and the view that perception is permeated by belief. In the last section, I consider what the phenomenon of (...)
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